Monday, 26 October 2009

Now we’ve had our premier in Edingburgh at the Festival Theatre. And there were no problem with empty seats. There are always five chairs reserved for a scene in the show and even them got almost taken! Our producer Annica (who just suprised us with her visit) took care of the situation by bribing them with bounce t-shirts if they moved. Haha, she’s great.

Nice to be on such a gigantic stage! During the run-through Gaby sat a bit in the audience and got a little worried whether we could reach out to the very top of the balkony with our acting and energy. Her tip was to think like a 27 year old Benke doing a solo in Madison Square. I think we all saw the picture pretty clear in our heads and did the best to put it in our bodies.

But, unfortunatly, everything isn’t just huge stage, full salon and 9 Benke’s at the moment. Dawid hasn’t been feeling well for a couple of days but he still did the show last night. Which is never good, fair to say dangerous, so right now Edo is rehearsing with Mario to learn Dawid’s part. Show starts in... seven hours. We stayed up ‘til one last night, rehearsing in the hallway at the hotel until the hotel manager told us to turn off the music and go back to our rooms. So if Edo is doing Dawid’s part, Lisa will be doing Edo and Gaby will be two characters, both mrs. Taber and Candy, who never are on stage at the same time.

So the show tonight is definitely a challenge! God damn - if we can't do it no one can ;)

1 comment:

  1. Even more hats off to you then! You would never have known it from the finished show. I really enjoyed it on Monday night. It's a cracking show. Such energy and imagination. I loved the staging of it. I'd never have known you weren't used to the size of the stage. The set and the lighting were brilliant. And of course the dancing was amazing! I'm glad you've had such success with it. It's very well-deserved. Enjoy Stirling next. That's a gorgeous venue. And hope the Scottish sun comes out before the end of the week!

